Rituelle Missbräuche und Mind-Control: Anneke Lucas – Ein Elite Opfer packt aus

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Warnung: Dieses Video enthält sensible Inhalte und ist nur für ein aufgeklärtes Publikum geeignet. 🔍 Die schockierende Wahrheit! In diesem Video spreche ich mit Anneke Lucas, einer Überlebenden von rituellem Missbrauch und Mind-Control eines Elite Netzwerks. Sie enthüllt die dunklen Geheimnisse elitärer Netzwerke, satanischer Rituale und systematischer Manipulation und erzählt von Ihren unglaublichen Erfahrungen, durch welche sie als Kind gehen musste. Besonders nach den jüngsten Ereignissen rund um Jeffrey Epstein und P. Diddy ist es wichtig, dass die Menschen nicht länger wegsehen und diesen Dingen Einhalt gebieten. Was steckt hinter den Schlagzeilen? Welche Mächte agieren im Verborgenen? https://annekelucas.com/
Inhalte des Videos: Rituelle Netzwerke und ihre Strukturen. Einblicke in die Hierarchie und die Mechanismen, mit denen Macht ausgeübt wird. Enthüllungen über MK-Ultra und andere Techniken zur psychologischen Manipulation. Persönliche Erlebnisse von Anneke Lucas und ihre traumatischen Erfahrungen. Globale Verbindungen zu Eliten und Politik. Wege, um das Trauma zu überwinden und Betroffenen eine neue Perspektiven zu bieten.

📌 Zeitmarken: 01:06 – Begrüßung und Vorstellung von Anneke Lucas 02:17 – Anneke Lucas: Kindheit und frühe Erfahrungen im Netzwerk 10:41 – Rituale und Kindermissbrauch in Netzwerken 17:54 – Verbindungen zu bekannten Fällen wie Natascha Kampusch 18:26 – Beweise für die Existenz globaler Netzwerke 20:17 – Verschwundene Kinder während der Flüchtlingskrise 35:03 – Persönliche Rettung: Wie Anneke den Netzwerken entkam 37:56 – Nahtoderfahrung und spirituelle Einsichten 39:01 – Die Rolle von Blutlinien und politischer Macht 45:52 – Satanistische Rituale: Bedeutung und Zielsetzung 48:15 – Kunst und Kultur in geheimen Netzwerken 54:55 – Mind-Control-Techniken: MK-Ultra und Theta-Training 57:16 – Manipulation durch Trauma und psychologische Kontrolle 01:00:19 – Spirituelle Heilung und Selbstreflexion 01:02:08 – Hoffnungsbotschaften: Heilung und Aufklärung 01:02:54 – Persönliche Erkenntnisse: Lektionen aus der Vergangenheit 01:03:36 – Botschaft an die Zuschauer: Hoffnung und Mut 01:04:00 – Globale Netzwerke: Einfluss auf Machtstrukturen 01:08:00 – Psychologische Kontrolle und ihre langfristigen Folgen 01:12:30 – Persönliche Flucht und der Umgang mit Traumata 01:16:45 – Der Einfluss von Elite-Netzwerken weltweit 01:21:10 – Verbindung zwischen Trauma und Machtstreben 01:25:50 – Wie Anneke Lucas ihr Leben zurückgewann 01:30:00 – Spirituelle Dimensionen und der Weg zur Heilung 01:37:00 – Persönliche Reflexion: Lektionen aus der Vergangenheit 01:45:00 – Abschließende Botschaft: Hoffnung und Ermutigung 01:51:45 – Abschluss: Zusammenfassung und Dankeschön


0:00 warn you that this is um we’re talking about very extreme things I was taken to a a special

0:07 room a secret room with a Butcher’s Block where I was tied to this butcher block and I was tortured so what

0:14 satanists do is they call on the lower vibrational beings these are

0:20 intelligences separate from us that mind control training which lasted 1

0:26 month that was the official which people say K Ultra it’s more like that but I

0:32 saw energetically I saw people becoming completely inhuman and and and as if

0:40 they were taken over by another entity that’s for sure wake up inside for your

0:46 love me and you information connect

0:52 dos big picture

0:58 WHO knows

1:16 [Music]

1:28 helloing

1:53 for an [Music]

2:00 n

2:38 on thank you very much um

2:45 yeah let’s let’s try to Jump On In

2:59 where does the story begin or your story yeah okay yeahor

3:58 so uh I’m going to speak English because that’s the language that I will be able

4:03 able to speak about this subject yeah and we will translate it with subtitles in German and and we said I will try to

4:09 speak in English but I’ll I’ll I’ll try um German because it gives me a more better range for me so let’s try to to

4:17 synchronize okay so yes my story in short was that um um I was born to a

4:26 single mother in 1963 in Brussels Belgium WHO uh herself was though she

4:32 was working and she was functional she was working as a as a secretary at the

4:38 local uh well which was the national and the only television station at the time 63 was beginning of TV and she uh was

4:47 not mentally well so she was abusive from the start she was married uh

4:53 to someone that she met um recording in progress um

5:01 sorry okay she was she was married to someone um you know when she was when I

5:06 was three three years old uh 1966 sometimes I say four years old so so sometimes if I’m not completely correct

5:13 on the details um but yeah I was actually three years old and uh we then

5:19 moved to Flanders and in the village where we lived uh I think she was singled out also because she was not

5:26 well and soon um we had a cleaning lady WHO proposed to

5:33 take me out uh with her husband on outing so now I was going with the cleaning lady and her husband um on

5:41 outings every weekend pretty much my mother had my brother my little my half

5:47 brother so she was very happy to have me taken off her hands and I didn’t like

5:52 those people I never wanted to go and when we were going there were always different children there so they were

5:59 Dutch people people and so we were Belgian so they would say that these are their nieces and nephews and some

6:05 children were Dutch others were Belgian they always kept me a little bit separate from the children and they

6:10 could change all the time also so um she came were to work for us when I was five

6:17 and just around my sixth birthday was the first time that this couple um I

6:22 mean the man the husband took they took me to a a network event in a castle and

6:31 immediately uh it was extreme it was

6:36 um it was just unbelievably extreme you know that it was not there was no

6:42 gradual um indoctrination it was just thrown into an extreme situation which

6:48 was um a massed ball uh people were dressed as hippies it was extremely confusing there were drugs being passed

6:55 around on Silver platters because we were in a castle so I didn’t understand that these people were not hippies they

7:02 were um Aristocrats that were dressed as hippies and other people that belonged

7:07 to the network and I was uh horrendously abused right away and in an extreme

7:12 fashion so we at age at six around my sixth birthday 5 to six so we’re talking

7:19 extreme SNM right away and um so there was the first time

7:26 and I immediately uh I was so humiliated that I

7:34 immediately you know because it was the first time I stood up and spoke up I knew that I had to say something it felt

7:42 like I needed to save my soul I needed to save my life otherwise I would not

7:47 survive it felt like so I spoke up I told everyone that they couldn’t do this to me talk to sorry to interrupt I just

7:55 want to go into the details like if if if this would happen

8:15 because it was a public event there were people there and I was abused on a stage

8:21 um in the middle of a salon [Music]

10:15 [Music]

10:28 just to took get this pictures straight like there are people having a party a

10:35 mask party and there is some some kind

10:45 of the husband the H the husband of the cleaning lady so he was abusing me on a

10:52 stage before this happened already this this was happening there so this was the

10:57 first time when I was taken to this network he had me on a dog collar un

11:03 leash and he was naked and so was I and so he was humiliating me on the stage as

11:11 he had me on a collar and Leash and the people around that were dressed up as hippies were so high and

11:18 drunk that they barely noticed although he did something extreme and then people

11:25 would go oh gross you know and they sort of turn away but but still not my child

11:32 being abused yeah there was a child being horribly abused on a stage clearly

11:37 the people that were there were used to that that would nobody seemed shocked by

11:55 that nobody yeah but nobody looked me in the eye I wasn’t trying to look at people I was so humiliated you see wow

12:02 um I wasn’t trying to look I was being you know um abused on while I was being

12:07 treated like a dog so no I wasn’t looking anyone in the eye and but people clearly were used to children being

12:15 treated this way that’s you know that that and and I believe that they were

12:20 Aristocrats but so after that I was just left lying there the color was removed

12:28 and the the man left but I was lying there by myself on the stage and everyone was completely ignoring me and

12:36 at this moment I felt no I cannot if I don’t do something now to

12:42 save myself I will die that was what I felt so then I stood up and then as I

12:48 stood up I felt force in my body just straightened me up and then I spoke and

12:55 I said you can’t do this to me to the people there you can’t do this to me I’m going to make sure you’ll all be

13:00 punished nobody took it seriously except one man cuz everyone was too high

13:06 everybody was so high they barely noticed high on on what what do you think high on what just passed

13:13 around so it’s 1969 the drugs that were being passed around was LSD clearly like the psy

13:20 psychic growing but it was everything and everything there were there were joints on on Silver platters you know

13:27 there were pills every it was a drug party it was a a mass ball

13:33 where people were dressed as hippies but also doing the drugs that the hippies were taking so everybody was completely

13:39 out of it except for when I stood up there was one man WHO looked very scared

13:46 and he left so he looked at me he did look at me and he I thought I reached

13:51 him but he left uh that was a man WHO later became first uh prime minister but

13:59 I in the network I never saw him again but he was um he was the one I recognized

14:05 later so this was my the first time I was taken to the network it was

14:10 completely extreme I was after I stood up and spoke I was taken by a

14:18 Handler uh to a large basement and I was shown um and I have

14:26 to just take take take your take you warn you that this is um we’re talking

14:32 about very extreme things that was shown a body a body of a young woman WHO had

14:39 just been murdered in which um in which count country do you still know do you

14:45 do you know where his place is do you know where his place is I don’t know the castle this was at there’s a lot of

14:51 castles in Belgium it was in Belgium and and it was and it turned out

14:58 as I uh was in the network five and five year over five years it turned out that there’s quite a few castles quite a few

15:05 Aristocrats that were giving up their castles for org’s um for the network

15:10 which the network was um consisting of politicians well it was the royalty so

15:16 the top of the aristocracy if you will that were really in charge and then there was the then minister of National

15:22 Defense paans WHO was sort of the the mafia boss of the network uh WHO was

15:28 arranging everything and WHO is getting people in now this first party I didn’t see you

15:35 know this was a mass ball so it was more among it felt like it was more among the

15:40 elit it was more among the aristocrats and um but but after

15:46 that I started being used very regularly at events so it would be you know much

15:53 Tamer um you know even orgies would usually be Tamer um I never again saw an

15:59 SNM uh show during an orgy afterwards it was rather that there was a party and

16:07 then maybe there was an orgy maybe there was there was sex happening and then the

16:12 children I was waiting in an anti- chamber with a Handler with maybe some

16:18 other children until the those people that were not ready supposedly for

16:24 children were gone so we were brought in in the late hours and then those that remained um would be

16:33 used either to be indoctrinated into this uh Club exclusive Club of power

16:40 where um I would make them as a 67 8-year-old

16:45 I would have to make them feel comfortable um to be with a young child and that was then taped or was um

16:54 vid secretly photographed or videoed and then those people would be forever in the pocket of you know whoever um the

17:02 the the politician WHO is running the network that had a lot uh to

17:08 do with it a lot a lot of say he was blackmailing everyone and then those

17:13 people would find themselves you know in increasingly important uh positions in

17:19 government or if they were lawyers they would then do jobs for the network then

17:24 the aristocrats some of these Aristocrats were already um part of it and then of course uh you know the the

17:32 thing with the royalty is that I didn’t even know um some of those people’s were Royals until I I I didn’t know WHO

17:39 anyone was to tell you the truth but um but one of the Royals for example that

17:45 was in charge there not at all known to the public for example I guess there are so many

18:17 C

18:32 Prince and

19:09 yeah so for proof it’s like we’re I’m talking about things that happened 50 years ago in a network where the

19:17 greatest specialty of the network is to be able to get rid of all evidence you know and that includes um Witnesses of

19:25 course uh we know in the D case that at least 30 people ended their life ended when they wanted

19:31 to testify specifically about the existence of the network um rather than

19:37 that Mark duu handled with just a few people around him um so but for me

19:44 personally I spent most of my life healing from this trauma so when I look

19:50 at how I was in the early 20s I can tell my story a little bit more later because

19:55 I was out of the network by age 11 so there’s several aspects to my story that

20:01 are unusual first I was uh a throwaway child as they say and I was used for anything

20:09 but then I became and then I took someone what a throwaway child maybe to get some some cont child that can be

20:15 killed I mean

20:46 throw away children right yes throwaway children exactly and that is also by the

20:52 way I work with survivors so for example One Survivor of Jeffrey Epstein was

20:58 actually taken by him in Kosovo as a baby you see so the um the Orphans of the war zones

21:06 are put in places where then traffickers basically traffickers Elite traffickers also come to get children and um you

21:15 know depending on then they get triaged you know the children are triaged now in

21:20 initially in the network I was going to you know anybody could do anything with me so there were a few instances with

21:27 some um very sick um Aristocrats that I definitely

21:33 could have died and it was just an an accident you know that I didn’t that I survived um however at 9 years old I was

21:43 then chosen to be um to be part of the

21:48 network to become an inside child of the network uh by an international you know

21:54 by you know David Rockefeller WHO I recently named um and he was there he

22:00 came to Belgium because he was a part of the Bilderberg meeting that year in 1972

22:07 when I was 9 years old and I was uh given to him um as well as another child

22:13 for a ritual the other child um was

22:19 killed and um and he um very how how how are you

22:24 know sorry to to interrupt you but I just want to make the I was there but I don’t want to talk about that now

22:30 because I telling you something else but um just to say that I ended up being

22:35 miraculously chosen miraculously Chosen and then singled out to become

22:44 his project the the project of David rockfeller WHO was then going to um be

22:50 behind me and WHO was going to create me into um the slave that he wanted which

22:58 would be you know I would be given a platform I would be receiving a lot of the gifts

23:03 that you get when you are part of this club and so my life changed completely

23:09 the way people treated me changed the way abusers treated me changed completely so I I was in the unusual

23:16 position to be both a a throwaway child at first and then to be an child afterwards and to be

23:26 out at age 11 and then never to be in again never to be used again afterwards

23:33 so I had most of my life to heal and so we were talking about proof and I just want to come back to that because for

23:41 proof when you heal so I didn’t remember you know the mind control is all about

23:48 dissociation and Trauma dissociates you so the trauma of the network itself

23:53 would already dissociate you but then the mind control training means that you are deliberately traumatized in order to

24:01 dissociate you so naturally I you wouldn’t remember something because it

24:07 you you you you in the trauma the trauma becomes so severe that all your brain

24:13 activity it overrides the memory and and it do it it things to hide this as good

24:20 as possible right yes and it’s extremely scientific in the way that this is um applied and

24:27 while I was um so so in the beginning I still remembered but then I was with my

24:34 mother WHO why you talk sorry to to I’m so sorry sorry I’m not just trying to to

24:41 understand you better why didn’t you go to your mom for example okay this this happened in the beginning I think you

24:47 did you talk to your mom I tried to talk to my mother I tried to talk to my mother when I was six years old when it

24:53 first happened and then she took over so my mother then became my my pimp so my

25:01 mother herself being mentally ill so she knew basically what what happened she was doing it herself and she was getting

25:07 paid so we’re not we’re not talking about a normal mother my mother was part of it my mother I tried to tell my

25:15 mother what had happened when I was six in spite of being shown a body and being

25:21 told I should never speak and and otherwise this is what’s going to happen to me in spite of that I still try to

25:27 tell my mother and then my mother ended up taking over from these um these these

25:34 these the the cleaning lady and our husband so so I felt that it was my

25:42 fault that this was happening because I told her and um so my mother was getting

25:49 paid that came out later and when I was rescued from the network

25:56 at age 11 I knew initially I knew because I was

26:01 actually my body was full of wounds from what had happened and so I was I I wasn’t

26:09 dissociated from what had happened but my mother needed there to not have anything not

26:17 her denial was so thick that it was like

26:23 living in a totalitarian state with my mother as her awareness what it need she

26:29 needed to believe that she was a good mother and that meant that nothing was wrong with me so the wounds were ignored

26:36 as if they never existed she would lie about it I would try to get her on it she would come back again with um

26:44 revenge and that led her to um sexually abuse me again but okay there just to

26:53 get that control again she sexually abused me again and then the shame of

27:01 that was so intense for me that I just went with her whatever she wanted that

27:06 was the reality so I had this Narrative of my mother’s that I went with that was

27:13 then helping me too because it’s better for me if it’s not true too so but my

27:19 life was very difficult I left um very early um I left home at 15 I had a very

27:27 difficult life I was uh working in the red District at age uh 16 I I wasn’t sleeping with men but I was there I was

27:34 naturally drawn to these uh places and so I had a very difficult um young adult

27:42 life and um it was because the person inside the network WHO had gotten me out

27:49 gave me instructions for life and that in the beginning that’s what helped me NE don’t remember anything was one of

27:56 them of course but also don’t buy drugs don’t um do anything to get drugs never

28:02 sleep with anyone for money never become a prostitute there were very very clear instructions that I was following that

28:09 really saved my life in the beginning because I would have fallen in every one of these traps and he even this uh said

28:18 whom I should marry a very precise profile of the man I should marry which

28:23 was not an older man that made his own money but someone my age from a wealthy

28:29 family and preferably a family of New York Bankers so this is why I ended up

28:34 in New York and I’m actually still here that was all because of these instructions so I had an

28:41 extremely difficult challenging um young adult life because

28:47 I was extremely dissociated um I had programs that were constantly running so I could only be

28:53 comfortable for example oneon-one with a man that meant that I was always getting jobs because I was tuning in and

29:01 seducing unconsciously seducing the men when I was in an interview for a job which was like a little menial job I’d

29:08 get the job and then I couldn’t do the job or I was too dissociated to do the job then I got fired again and then

29:15 that’s how I survived you know from little job to little job I left the country and once I went into therapy

29:22 which was already in the 80s you know I got I was getting flashbacks very early on I was in therapy in the ‘

29:29 80s that once I was in therapy what was happening was

29:35 that when you have a memory that comes to you and you process that

29:41 memory that even though it may seem your life is getting worse because you’re now starting to feel all these horrendous uh

29:48 feelings of all the betrayals and all the pain and everything that was done to you that you couldn’t feel when you were

29:55 surviving even though it may seem that your life is getting worse you immediately feel from the beginning I

30:01 felt the integration the neural integration as well as the wisdom that

30:09 comes from that integration and I knew that the insights I was receiving that was what was worth

30:16 it and that is also the proof If you have a fantasy if you make yourself

30:22 believe that I was this or that happened to me and this isn’t true which in the

30:29 beginning when you get a memory like that you’re like no no this is not possibly true it can’t be true well if

30:38 it isn’t true and you’re going deeper into fantasy you do not become a more whole person you do not become more

30:45 functional the reason that I’m able to express myself as I am today is all

30:50 because I’ve healed and because the healing is this process that brings you closer and closer to truth and that

30:58 begins with your own truth with the truth about yourself I don’t I didn’t want to believe that any of this was

31:04 true of course you never want to believe that you are such a victim you want to

31:09 be able to be think that you’re strong even if it’s not true but that this did not happen to you you don’t want to

31:15 believe that you were so humiliated you don’t want to believe that this is actually you so the process of first

31:24 getting the flashbacks and then considering them and then work working with it and it’s the memory comes back

31:30 it’s not like you get a nice timeline you know and it’s like a nice story of like this is the beginning and that is the end you get flashes get thrown into

31:38 this thing and then the emotional part is coming back again and your whole energy body is full of this stuff which

31:43 happened in the past and then the things coming back and yeah and so on right yes

31:50 yes and the only proof that you have at that point is that you you’re

31:56 understanding yourself better you can have cover memories for example things that you’ve always

32:02 remembered or your own behavior that didn’t make sense and suddenly you get the memory and you’re like ah now I

32:08 understand that about me now I understand why I said that to my mother now I understand why she said that

32:15 there’s all these things that start to make sense that maybe before didn’t or they were seen in a different context so

32:22 so your life starts to make more sense and yes eventually I mean

32:28 when you get into this kind of abuse for a long time you may not be functional because it’s so heavy and I can tell you

32:35 that many years um my life has been well

32:40 extremely difficult I don’t wish it on anyone uh to be to be feeling that much

32:47 pain uh to be feeling so much grief I don’t wish that on anyone not even the

32:52 perpetrators that to be feeling that pain but as I’m feeling the pain pain

32:58 I’m that I’m gaining in wisdom and that’s the proof and then there are

33:05 things that from the memory I’ve gone the check for

33:11 example there was a boy that try to help me and when I was 11 that when I was 10

33:19 he was 13 and when I was 11 he was 14 he tried to help me he was from the

33:25 outside he came from a town that was actually not at all close to where I was

33:31 living and um he tried to help me

33:36 and eventually he was killed for trying to help me and I had

33:43 spoken to him and then I was um you know how did he officially die he officially died of an accident

33:50 which is what the man WHO killed him told me he died of an accident I went to that town

33:58 I found his death record I shouldn’t have known you see this is not evidence that can be used in

34:05 courts because there is a boy and there’s an official death record that he died of an accident but I knew this boy

34:12 and I knew where he lived I found his home I found his death record um you know that is for me is

34:22 proof

34:42 [Music]

34:56 um here

35:04 I was um in Belgium rescued by a young gangster named Patrick Ames WHO was extremely

35:10 violent and WHO um was you my book uh Quest For Love is

35:18 really about that relationship with this young gangster okay WHO was 20 when I met him and at age 11 I was going to be

35:27 killed really because of him he was extremely violent you know let’s not uh

35:32 you know make him better than he is he was um you know not at all uh well okay

35:37 so he abused me maybe more than anyone else had ever abused me and because of him I was going to be and because I had

35:44 spoken I think because I had spoken to the to the boy that was killed you know

35:50 on the outside I was also going to be killed and um and that was all because

35:56 of this gangster Patrick k now the last minute when the torture

36:01 started that was to kill me he wasn’t involved in that he was just watching um

36:08 he actually I reached him then I looked in him in the eyes and I reached him and

36:13 he had a change of heart so I was taken away to continue this torture which was

36:21 in Belgium by the way it was in the house of that um um minister of National Defense at the time W WHO was a man WHO

36:29 was a prime minister twice in Belgium um I was taken to a a special

36:36 room a secret room with a butcher block where I was tied to this Butcher’s Block

36:41 and I was tortured but while this happened this gangster made a deal to get me

36:50 out and this is I write extensively about this in my book this is what got

36:55 me out this B away this deal eventually got him killed as well not right away but his

37:03 deal was that he was going to work for the politician in EX in illegal of

37:09 course secretly in exchange for my life well eventually that kill that got him

37:15 [Music] killed podcast and so V

37:25 this El why don’t they just kill you why are you

37:31 still alive and I’m I’m happy that you are and I’ll I’ll protect you with all I

37:38 have right but but let’s knock on wood first of all okay let’s let’s just not

37:44 uh mess with the the that idea too much but um

37:51 firstly the gangster when I had a near-death experience

37:58 so I was dead when I came back from the

38:04 near-death experience which was an absolutely glorious experience but I was clinically dead when I share the

38:11 experience well it’s also in my book but let me answer your question at least first we could maybe get come back to it

38:18 but I had this near the the the situation in which I was

38:23 released I I had been tortured there was a lot else that happened that night I

38:29 ended up dead on the floor and the gangster was now left there he had to

38:36 clean up when I came back to life everybody was

38:43 gone the way that I know this gangster I could not imagine that he would go and tell them that I was actually alive and

38:50 that he brought me home so first of all I think that the people in the Belgian Network believed that I was dead the

38:57 people people from the global Elite Network where I was one

39:03 year they had put so much

39:08 programmation in me to kill myself and also to never be successful

39:15 that they probably felt that that was sufficient they have you anyway right so

39:21 they don’t need to worry or something well there’s something else there um why

39:26 they wouldn’t have killed I asked the question very many times when David Rockefeller was done with me and and

39:32 this was for one year I was being prepared to be part of it and then I was going to get a platform I was being

39:38 trained to be famous in France while this was all happening um I was being faced

39:46 increasingly with what that meant so while I was suddenly being treated much

39:52 better and everybody was nice to me whereas in Belgium everybody was treating me like piece of dirt and now

39:58 everybody’s nice to me and I’m you know these men are are act the the those men

40:03 on the world stage are now acting like it’s an honor to be to spend time with me so I’ve become a high class

40:10 prostitute you know from a a throwaway child to a high class prostitute you

40:15 know of 10 years old so being so because I was treated so

40:21 differently I was I was going along a lot more but it involves so much more than that

40:28 and so after one year I was done and I rebelled and then I was kicked out of

40:35 that what I call the inner circle now the first thing that was done when David

40:40 rockfeller took an interest in me is that my blood was

40:46 drawn that’s was a question I I had before but but didn’t ask I think it’s

40:52 because of the blood lines and your an An ancestry my ancestry so my bloodline

40:59 isn’t spectacular at all but I didn’t know WHO my father was but my mother did so I assume that my blood was drawn plus

41:07 they went and asked via VIA to my mother WHO my father was and my father comes

41:14 from a line of hugonotes which are French you know small aristocracy or they were

41:21 Aristocrats and they they went to Holland and then they ended you know he ended up in Belgium

41:29 and also generations of artists and musicians and so I think based on that

41:36 information and based on the fact that there was some nobility in that bloodline they said okay she can belong

41:43 I think that was the first entry point because I had that blood I could belong

41:49 and then because they were classical musicians I was going to be a singer and because they were you know this this

41:57 bloodline royal blood or a different type of Royal Bloods WHO knows I really

42:04 don’t know but that’s what I think happened that’s why but that was the first entry level like if I had not had

42:12 this blood then I don’t think I could have been part of it so that was the

42:18 first thing so I think that in his case when I rebelled that had something to do with

42:25 the fact that I wasn’t killed that he somehow felt that I was in I belonged on the inside because of my

42:32 blood not on the outside in the belgians they did not care about that at all Paul

42:37 Van buan WHO was the politician WHO was in charge himself was come came from a butcher’s

42:43 family he he was he started out as a butcher so he didn’t care about any of

42:48 that and he was also not a Satanist he was not what I call a True Believer Satanist he he did all the same things

42:55 but without believing so he was sadist you know in you

43:06 know there is a difference yeah different levels of yeah sanity or yeah

43:13 there’s a difference that there’s there’s those WHO believe in Satan and

43:19 consciously ask for demons and dark spirits to enter you know to that that

43:25 that invite them to take over their body while they do horrific

43:31 things sacrifices offer sacrifices to Satan

43:36 also I mean there is so much proof of that even I mean beyon for example don’t want to make any cusions or something

43:43 just but she is telling when I’m on the stage something else comes through it’s called Tasha in in her thing and there

43:51 are there are people WHO it’s not like they are summoning and they’re in contact and they’re believing and

43:57 connecting to different type of energy in different Realms right or am I wrong I mean and I’ve taken too much aaska in

44:04 Peru and stuff like that to know how things work on a not not like a little scale like 2% or something right because

44:13 it’s so what I can tell you is that I saw people transform physically that

44:18 clearly that’s not the human being clearly that’s not I mean it’s you it’s your physique but you would look you

44:25 know you would have expressions and you know that are just not human anymore and

44:31 that is what I observed I didn’t see any

44:36 great Transformations like physical things change I didn’t see that but I saw energetically I saw people becoming

44:44 completely inhuman and and and as if they were taken over by another entity

44:50 that’s for sure I had one occasion I don’t want to go into details but I I I

44:55 met so you can’t I met so many people in different like in politics and here and there and in in orders and and

45:03 Freemasons and I I met them all or maybe maybe all and I had one situation where

45:08 a woman was talking to me we were arguing about something and then it it went click and I could feel that there

45:14 was a presence behind her like three or four meters and she was speaking in a different language fluently in an old

45:21 old language trying to um an intimidate me or something right

45:27 but then I yeah I spoke back with my language or my my type of

45:34 spontaneous yeah so why did I tell you this this but well that’s what satanists

45:40 do consciously that’s how the ult words you know it’s using the subtle forces

45:46 out there you know when we when we when we when we are seeking light we are

45:53 looking to those um beings that are of a higher

45:58 vibration um so that we can evolve as human beings so what satanists do is

46:05 they call on the lower vibrational beings these are intelligences separate

46:11 from us pram and they you they they call on them

46:17 to get the ultimately the power material Goods I mean it’s always the same I’ve

46:23 never um you know I have never felt as seen and

46:29 understood as when I was sitting with um rild a rosfield WHO was WHO

46:37 was WHO had observed me for a few minutes and immediately saw exactly what

46:44 it was that I needed the most which was respect and he started our

46:53 conversation by promising that I would receive re

46:58 expect and then after that all the material things that they can offer the

47:05 fame the um biggest houses the best cars the yacht I was promised all this when I

47:13 was N9 years old in a conversation where I was being

47:18 invited and had to give my will and so obviously in that

47:25 situation I said yes and then a year later I realized

47:31 what out out of fear or out of the the thing that you going to get something

47:36 better of course I did not feel fear in that moment I should have but I didn’t know you can’t at this point of with

47:42 nine years or you can’t you just there’s no connection no no no this is not an abuse

47:48 situation see this was David Rockefeller had picked me out

47:54 and I had spent several weeks in triage so even though there was a lot of sexual

48:00 abuse it was about training now sexual abuse was training but also I was being

48:07 treated very nicely compared to before MH I was he was seeing what my talents

48:15 were but meanwhile he was getting me used to he was taking me to his own homes one in West this U mansion in

48:22 Westchester his home in um New York City and then also a home in Maine um near

48:30 Bar Bar Harbor and I was um being

48:35 introduced to the lifestyle the food the the

48:41 clothes how to eat how to uh recognize the good cotton from the

48:48 cheap I was getting an education and at the same time for example he would we

48:55 would stand in front of a a paint and he would let me speak we spoke French he spoke French to me I spoke

49:01 French to him and he would let me speak about the painting so he was actually

49:07 repairing my ability that I have an eye for art and I know that this ability

49:15 would have been used inside the network that I was trained for something inside the network where I would have a

49:21 platform as a singer an actress you know but ultimately I would also bring bring

49:27 people in um artists because of my eye I would draw artists to me and I would

49:33 bring them into the network you see artists that are independent that are truly talented I would repair their

49:40 talent and then I would be um their you

49:45 know um their their mentor and bring them into the network

49:51 so that they basically they would belong to the network and they would be controlled so that was a job I was

49:57 receiving from the inside but it was all about he was looking at me he was seeing

50:03 things in me and I felt for me seen and heard for the first time in my life what

50:10 did you see in him well he was like it for me I didn’t know WHO he was right

50:18 I didn’t know that this was a Rockefeller I I didn’t barely know that name but probably had heard the name but

50:24 that name never came up and I should say something about that because he took me shopping on Madison Avenue

50:31 mhm it is not considered classy to use the name of a

50:37 famous person when you’re around them you’re not supposed to say the name

50:42 you’re supposed to treat them like they’re a God and you’re supposed to give them

50:48 everything that they want and you’re supposed to treat them like special but you’re not supposed to

50:53 you’re never you’re supposed to know WHO they are and treat them that way but not say the

50:59 name because that’s considered it’s considered low class so everybody knows

51:05 that everybody knew that you know nobody ever said the name but they were all treating him like he was a gift from God

51:12 so what he was to me was like a father an incestuous father you know he

51:20 was seeing me like I’d never been seen and then when we together were with

51:27 reld rodel saw even more and he saw even deeper so for me I

51:34 felt really happy as a child and you know to grow up

51:39 emotionally you need to be seen you need to be accepted for WHO you are that’s what I was experiencing with that type

51:45 of history as well I mean it’s it’s a completely contrast emotionally

51:51 so so

51:59 mind controll mind Controla mind controlling

52:46 [Music] yes of course and children you know are used in the network because for a

52:53 pedophile you see I was punished and this happened so the first time when

52:58 I was taken to the network I stood up against them so then I I get threatened you know with you’re going to you’re

53:04 going to die and here we we mean it we you know we we are serious about when we

53:09 say you’re going to die when you speak out then I spoke out anyway to my mother

53:16 now the mind control that I had there was there was a part of my training that

53:23 was official mind control so I was sent to hi highle in Germany under the opes of Dr Hans

53:30 hamson which WHO created Familia by the way for everybody WHO wants found was

53:36 the founder with Margaret s of profamilia now Hans hson was in charge of the Mind Control in this small

53:43 facility in heidelber which was a villa very close to the Schloss MH in

53:50 heidelber and it was mostly happening in the basement there and he uh

53:57 um I was extremely cruel and um he was

54:03 um so there were three handlers there young men from I think from the East

54:08 frankly I don’t think they were uh from Western Germany I they were young men from the East were just about 20 years

54:14 old three young men that were basically in charge that mind control training which lasted one

54:21 month that was the official which people say MK Ultra it’s more like that MH I

54:27 was there the whole time and I was being tortured for very specific purposes so

54:34 there was no experimentation happening like there would have been in the camps this was

54:40 like no David Rockefeller and together with r Shield had decided okay she’s going to

54:47 be this Persona she’s going to become that kind of sex slave Elite sex sex

54:52 slave to the elite she’s going to attract the the most powerful men in the world

54:57 for me so for that that therefore she needs to be

55:02 famous and so what was done there was so

55:08 scientific can you give me some examples because I’m very interested in the techniques how they do it because most

55:15 people can’t can’t comprehend it can you give me some example because I’m really

55:21 researching the brain and stimulus as well what What can you

55:26 [Music] okay well there’s one I talk about a lot which has to do with being forced to watch films and then being being

55:34 um um basically choked or drowned when I

55:41 get the answer wrong and then that choking and drowning gets me so then then I then I lose

55:48 Consciousness and I actually become more intuitive and get the answers more easily but I want to talk about a

55:55 different one because um I think it’s I don’t speak about it that often but it’s

56:02 for a German speaking audience it’s maybe interesting because the Teta training so there’s

56:08 different parts of training and so this is the Teta training the Teta part of the training I was put in a in a in a in a

56:16 saltwater tank in a floating tank like you you use

56:21 for well this tank the salt water was warm but it was um it was deep enough

56:31 that had I fallen asleep I would drown or of course if I panicked then I would

56:36 also drown so I had to stay awake I was weightless and awake and I had been uh

56:46 given um picture of WHO ended up being called kinger I didn’t know his name k

56:52 kisinger was the former Chancellor in Germany and I had to focus on him and I already

56:59 you know could tell from the previous training that he was a pedophile he liked girls my age that he had a soft

57:05 spot but I didn’t really know what it was and then I had to focus on him so

57:12 now I believe that there were people with him at this time to check my

57:19 answers but I had to enter into his Body Mind system into

57:28 his Consciousness and then apparently I was

57:33 told he has he has already heard about you so someone told him about me from

57:38 the network and I was sold as the next hot

57:43 hot ticket in the net inside the network this child that’s going to be famous and

57:50 I could tell I was reporting now that his weakness is that he’s afraid

57:57 he was afraid because he was older now he was not the chancellor anymore he was older there was some humiliation around

58:04 you know because he was slapped in the face and all that that that was fair so

58:10 he was afraid that he was aging out and there was something he believed himself to be

58:16 a good man and he didn’t understand that he wasn’t ruthless enough believe it or

58:23 not to be even though he had been a Nazi he wasn’t ruthless enough to really be

58:29 growing in the network so he was sort of on the way out and he was feeling that and he was very

58:36 afraid to lose this but he didn’t know what he could do to come back and so I

58:42 was sold to him as oh if you have her and she you know you’re with her she’s

58:49 going to be really big and she’ll get you back in so I had to know enter into

58:57 his so I was receiving flashes of his what he smells you know like I smell

59:04 coffee sometimes so I could hear it’s like like like remote viewing right with rura and this the remote viewing project

59:10 Stargate and all of this to consciously connect to his to him right

59:16 but it’s more than remote viewing because it’s like I had to insert my Consciousness into his and manipulate

59:22 his thoughts like Inception do an Inception type of thing it is you know you know I I met I met

59:28 people I don’t want to call any names and nobody would know them anyway but was telling me there are people in the

59:36 bundes in Germany like the secret secret uh what’s the English yeah Secret

59:41 Service and he said look I met PE he he met like the the leader from scull and

59:47 Bone Europe which which happened to be in this group and he said look he has a

59:52 like a a star on both hands his lines and he can do some kind of uh rituals

59:58 and if he concentrates on you and has a picture to connect or something right like stimul from from this person he can

1:00:05 just yeah basically if they if they have a group of three or

1:00:10 five people WHO concentrate on you you’re going insane and jump out of the window because they can insert you any

1:00:16 thoughts or things type you have to be very careful that the thoughts that you’re thinking are your own thank you

1:00:23 thank you you know and of course thoughts are never how you know how you know by the way for everybody WHO says

1:00:28 okay how you know well I think it’s very that’s where spiritual practices are

1:00:33 very important that you heal and you can focus on positive thoughts uh and that

1:00:40 when you know that you have a negative thought that there is something that you can heal or when you know you are triggered and you have an emotional

1:00:46 reaction a negative emotional reaction that this is it’s something in you that needs to be healed because what I was

1:00:53 taught to do with cising was I first had to find his weakness but

1:00:59 what is his weakness this is in the network it’s called a weakness in a tough world it’s called weakness but in

1:01:05 a healing world it’s called vulnerability and it’s his blind spot

1:01:10 from his own trauma that he hasn’t healed so the fact that he wanted to belong and the fact that he thought he

1:01:17 was good and he wanted to belong to this club came from his own insecurities from his own unhealed childhood wound and I

1:01:25 was trained to come and pretend to to to to to to to

1:01:32 be the one WHO makes the healing for him or help him yeah to soothe that while of

1:01:39 course so that’s how these men would fall in love with me because obviously

1:01:44 these men that need so much power they’re all extremely traumatized otherwise you don’t need that power

1:01:50 these are extremely deeply insecure men otherwise you don’t need to be on the top of the World there is no need to

1:01:58 have that much money or power unless you are making up for something that you’re

1:02:04 missing inside which is your self-esteem and the self-esteem comes through the healing and the self-esteem comes

1:02:11 through your connection to Spirit so connection to Spirit is extremely important and um

1:02:19 self-awareness is extremely important that you can always look at yourself and be

1:02:26 honest you know be honest with yourself that’s what these men none of these people can do that they’re all cowards

1:02:32 you know in the network it’s all it’s all cowardice so I was literally trained

1:02:37 to go into his blind spot that’s to say his unhealed trauma and I was doing that from a

1:02:44 distance and he he recognized it did you ever talk to him did you meet him in person afterwards I did but first I had

1:02:52 to again how it works the mind control works so I’m doing this now to another

1:02:57 person I’m being I’m getting taught to do this from it all from a tank by the way where I

1:03:04 didn’t sleep probably for days you know so you get into a weightless state for very many days you can’t sleep so it get

1:03:11 puts you into different states and it actually really increases your ability to to be psychic I have been in a

1:03:17 floating tank I know this one but not where you can completely drown I know a normal floating tank with where you

1:03:24 float but you haven’t been in it for days either have no just for half an hour hour so that’s the torture part

1:03:30 where you know they go and take you so much farther because you need to that

1:03:36 that is what brings these special gifts out so um you have to the way that you

1:03:43 are being forced is that what is created

1:03:48 is urgency so I had to get into his swound his fear that he wasn’t going to

1:03:54 belong and then I had to create urgency so he has a fear now I come in there in

1:04:01 that fear and I say it need you need to do it now you need to do it now you need to um be with her otherwise you’re going

1:04:08 to lose out and she’s going to be with other people and you’ll never see her again so I was creating so first it’s

1:04:18 and you see on a mass scale um you know there’s the mass mind control you go

1:04:23 into people’s fear and then you create urgency like this needs to happen now and when you’re being put in a state of

1:04:30 urgency you don’t think at all anymore you just follow orders yeah rep Here

1:04:35 Comes comes online and the whole Co stuff you see it it’s the the human mind is pretty simple actually like really

1:04:42 simple with such type of commands or prompts that’s Mass yes so I had to do

1:04:49 that to him and then in the next the following year so this was I was in

1:04:55 heidleberg in the summer of 72 all of the whole month of August of 72 I was

1:05:01 there then after that I was sent back home to Belgium back with my mother and

1:05:07 my stepfather and you know normal family life going to school and then I was taken to Germany by Belgian handlers

1:05:14 very often and then we would go oh I was in this little hotel pension with K

1:05:21 kinger and it would just be me and him and in one room and and these people

1:05:26 were so glad oh they felt so honored to welcome good Kinga and I didn’t speak

1:05:33 German but I knew how to stay in the background and no one ever asked you

1:05:39 know if they would have asked I would be his niece but nobody ever asked what I was doing there or was

1:05:46 sleeping yeah he didn’t try to hide anything you know sometimes they had a little C like the bed the cut but he

1:05:54 just took me in the bed and then they never even messed up the cart to make it look like I slept in the

1:06:00 cart never had to do that so I was I he loved Germany he he really loved uh the

1:06:07 country Germany and so I actually ended up loving the country Germany because I

1:06:13 saw so many beautiful places Often by the river um you know little hotel

1:06:19 pension on the river um there’s certain smells and everything that I have strangely good memories of that

1:06:26 why why strangely that’s totally normal how you you program yourself or how you you copy the the the experiences it’s

1:06:33 not strange so he was a pedophile and obviously you can say that he’s not a good man um and at the same time he was

1:06:42 he had a little bit of goodness in him and the network you know they don’t have most of

1:06:49 the people in the network they don’t even believe that you can be innocent they don’t even believe in innocence or

1:06:55 goodness they think that everybody WHO thinks they’re good is lying but he had a

1:07:00 little bit in him and that’s what made him naive

1:07:17 [Music]

1:07:43 GP of control yeah that is it and the thatw

1:07:49 consists of conspiracy theory and I can hear and scream already in the

1:07:54 background you know yeah because in Austria I I work with some survivors in Austria and it’s very

1:08:00 bad there um and even to the point that this false memory um false memory is

1:08:08 getting new life in Austria while this has been completely uh found out to be the The hoax that it

1:08:16 is here in the United States this is long gone um is it’s really not based on

1:08:22 anything real and dissociation is real you know but um yeah so Austria is pretty thick

1:08:29 in that way um what did you hear about Austria can you share some insights I

1:08:34 think I think since you are working so I know that the Network’s pretty pretty

1:08:39 active there but I want to answer your other question that you know how the network operates and um you know maybe

1:08:48 so the so there’s small networks everywhere like each town can have a few

1:08:53 people even that are part of this satanic Network it’s essentially satanic

1:08:59 um so there can be just a few people that have a few positions you know one lawyer one judge and one police chief or

1:09:07 something you know that are in just one little town and so they um keep the

1:09:14 control already in their way you know like there’s going to be some corrupt police there’s going to be um you know

1:09:21 some cases of even just sexual abuse they get off because the lawyer is going to make sure that the the perpetrators

1:09:28 get off and and often uh perpetrators get a break if they offer their children

1:09:35 you see then if their children can be used in an organized manner then um that’s how some children

1:09:43 end up in the network because their their incestuous father was caught by

1:09:48 police and then they go in um and so it happens on a very small

1:09:55 level and so these people obviously want Power they’re very big on knowledge so often

1:10:02 the Freemasons for example WHO are really big on all what is knowledge but not no heart but everything had

1:10:09 knowledge um that is one society that then culminates often in you know people

1:10:16 connecting to other networks and then to the bigger Town networks and then from

1:10:22 the bigger Town networks we have the Belgian um national network which I was thrown

1:10:28 in right away because it’s a very small country so it became the Belgian national network and then they connected

1:10:34 to the global core what I call the Inner Circle which was where rothel um David

1:10:42 rockfeller and a lot of celebrities at that time a lot of politicians at that time they were connected to the global

1:10:49 um Elite Network which is satanic also and which comes through Masonry it can

1:10:55 come through the church the Vatican it can come through the Jesuits it can come through various secret societies

1:11:03 organizations OPP um which we have here in Vienna and there are lots of

1:11:08 connections with our ex counselor and and stuff like that yes and so those societies have lots of members that are

1:11:16 completely unaware of what happens at the top levels so you have U like with

1:11:21 the Masons you have Masons that up to the 30 30 3rd degree don’t know what

1:11:27 that means the 33rd degree and then there’s people that will stay in a 32nd

1:11:33 degree their whole lives because they don’t understand what it really means to be in the 33rd so once you get uh the

1:11:40 33rd then um the gur and so forth so this is really where it goes to do as

1:11:46 thou wi so um I think the group I was in they were particularly prone to the

1:11:52 teachings of Alistar Crowley and the you know the the do as thou Wilt which comes

1:11:58 from you know the idea that you can then do anything and anything when you have

1:12:03 everything and you can do anything um there is no reason that it should be so

1:12:08 dark you know if you can do anything when you have everything you would think that what you would do is end Hunger you

1:12:14 know end world hunger end War but instead the reason that we can’t change

1:12:21 anything in the world is because this Secret is not unveiled yet and it will

1:12:28 need to be aware that it really exists and um this awareness alone I think will

1:12:35 change things absolutely absolutely I think it’s very important that we are

1:12:40 speaking about this this this whole topic because the truth whatever the

1:12:46 truth is I have no idea what the real truth is uh but these things needs to need to get out and from my own research

1:12:54 I think maybe it’s it’s too too soon for this but there is a spiritual component to

1:13:01 this all of these things all of these rituals like okay there is pedophile and you go the lad up and then there is the

1:13:07 pedophile stuff and the dark stuff but there are different layers as well which are in different dimensions or different

1:13:13 and I I had a if if I could share this this to you I was in in while I was in

1:13:19 Peru we did a a ceremony with the shamans there and there was a point the other boy

1:13:27 boy was screaming in pain suddenly and the whole room just dropped

1:13:32 vibrationally everything was quiet like not not a sound somewhere and that I can

1:13:38 only describe it as the the Lord of Darkness himself was in this room and I could feel it like I I I knew what it

1:13:45 was what the function was and I could feel his respect for me which was

1:13:51 completely insane and I was like okay we recognized each other but he can’t

1:13:56 defeat me and it’s not about the fight you can’t win if you fight the darkness because it’s the other part of the story

1:14:03 and then I realized okay fuck we all need to forgive them like all of them

1:14:08 like it might it sounds crazy and a lot of people can’t comprehend it yet but it’s like I see it for for me personally

1:14:16 and I’m not involved and have this type of experience you have but I think ultimately as a collective that’s the

1:14:22 great test can you forgive them for what they did and we don’t don’t even know why they are doing it in the first place

1:14:27 and why they had to do their part of the story or play their role in the whole Cosmic game you know what I mean but if

1:14:34 you understand yourself completely you’ll understand why they do it because it is indeed a spiritual matter and you

1:14:41 know the the fact that you there is choice you know I was asked to give my

1:14:47 will when I was 9 years old to Roth shield and I did at that time because I didn’t know any better but you have to

1:14:53 give your will actually five times okay and the following year I did

1:14:59 not give my will and then that was the end of that you see well what happened if you when you said uh uh when when you

1:15:06 said no what happened what was the reaction did you get uh that was my rebellion and that’s when I was

1:15:11 completely kicked out of the Inner Circle my plans completely changed and I was

1:15:18 reprogrammed in so I wasn’t killed and I said as I mentioned earlier I really took a long

1:15:25 time for me to understand why I wasn’t just killed when I rebelled but instead

1:15:30 I was reprogrammed um I was thrown in a cage and then I was

1:15:37 drugged and so I was humiliated in the cage I was um I was chained up in a

1:15:45 dungeon and programmed uh to to make me feel and I was told in no

1:15:53 uncertain terms that I was worthless that I didn’t deserve uh any success

1:15:59 um and this was very gross everything was very gross and

1:16:05 um because I was left there so long with a lot of gross stuff um I um I believed

1:16:12 that I was I did believe that I was worthless and then eventually I was just picked up um by the belgians so I went

1:16:20 through this reprogrammation which was torture for three days

1:16:26 and um and this was by the way in a place in Germany somewhere where it was an official

1:16:33 building that’s all I know it was 1973

1:16:39 um and it was maybe May or something may around then in 1973 it was an

1:16:46 official building there were two basement levels so I was in the cage a hanging cage in

1:16:52 the basement level but I the other people there the other prisoners were

1:16:58 adults that was next to a young adult WHO was also being taken downstairs to

1:17:04 be tortured so when I was downstairs in the these these

1:17:09 dungeons I was w i was chained to the wall and tortured there and um in these

1:17:15 dungeons I heard people scream but they were not children so people were being tortured

1:17:22 there in 1973 that were not children that were being inter interrogated and that were being

1:17:28 tortured and um so I was uh from what I could hear uh and see the

1:17:36 only child there but um I was basically reprogrammed to make sure that I would

1:17:41 never feel that I would become a star on my own accord you know I was going to be a star I had this whole

1:17:48 life in in great detail U was explained to me what my life was going to be like

1:17:53 in extremely great detail so I knew everything that was going to happen script like a script yes yes and I know

1:18:01 these people that did do that you know because there’s a small group um I was being trained by a

1:18:06 particular uh famous French singer composer um and his wife was a singer

1:18:13 also and it was I was going to be singing in this style very specific to

1:18:19 me more classical songs but I was going to sing them in a very sexual way so I knew group I was going to belong to and

1:18:26 everything I knew how I was going to be treated I knew where I was going to live I mean you know the city and what it was

1:18:32 going to feel like and look like like they’re programming a whole identity yeah yeah yeah that was that was my

1:18:38 Persona that was being created and then as this uh young first young child

1:18:45 singer and then afterwards um adult young you know young adult women woman

1:18:51 um singor actress I was going to be sold so you know you you raise the price if

1:18:57 you sell somebody WHO’s a star you know you’re you’re making millions you’re not making a few thousand you know what I

1:19:03 mean so already I think go Kinga was my

1:19:09 guinea pig that was part of my training and um that was fine everything

1:19:15 was good we were all set to go and it was really the ritual that was to be my

1:19:23 official entry into to the network that where I I decided no not doing it and

1:19:31 that Rebellion then ended up costing me you know this reprogrammation and then but

1:19:38 then I was just pushed back to the Belgian Network and then I spent another year and a half in the Belgian Network

1:19:45 until the the young gangster finally got me out but I forget what uh question I

1:19:51 was answering to you because it was really about it’s not it’s not important no yes it is it’s it’s it’s just the

1:19:59 thing which there might be people especially Germanic people that are that are still thinking about what I started to talk about and they’re like hey I

1:20:05 want to know what that oh the spiritual there I remember

1:20:10 you were talking about the spiritual level so um so so

1:20:17 Satanism is uh using occult which is the perversion of spirituality um to invite Dark Forces

1:20:26 and you know like you had this experience with um you know Satan or a

1:20:32 representative that um that is all about keeping you it is

1:20:38 said that Satan Reigns this realm because this is obviously a realm of duality of dark and light so

1:20:46 Satan’s job is to try to pull us down so that we will remain on the material

1:20:53 Level and and all the perpetrators for all their occultism they’re very materialistic obviously and and then we

1:21:00 have this greed that they have this incredible greed that um it’s not enough

1:21:06 to have several billion dollars they need more they need everything and need to control everything so it’s really a

1:21:12 mental illness it’s a me it’s the people that are ruling the world are completely

1:21:17 insane because they are purely materialistic ultimately and they’re uh

1:21:22 completely narcissistic so they’re the least fit to

1:21:30 you know to rule But ultimately what is needed is the connection to Spirit to get out of

1:21:37 it the reason that I stood up when I was 6 years old and the reason that I said no I’m not doing this is because I was

1:21:46 already re I was already also receiving help by the way spiritually while I was

1:21:51 being tortured I received often received some kind of help so there is something

1:21:56 in me that was connected still to Spirit

1:22:02 and I think it’s our innocence that is the rep that is our spiritual self and

1:22:08 in the network they try to kill that innocence and then you don’t believe that you’re a spiritual being anymore

1:22:14 and you lose connection to Spirit and that’s the network then you you can open

1:22:19 your mind and you can connect to dark uh dark uh forces entities but you cannot

1:22:26 connect to yourself as spirit and yourself as Spirit that’s not the body it’s not the

1:22:32 body mind system it’s not your thoughts it is beyond and that self that

1:22:38 is beyond the consciousness of you that Divine spark that is beyond WHO uh we

1:22:46 apparently are that is where we have to go and this is happening already you

1:22:52 know this this is already you can just tell that we are coming into a higher age from the Middle Ages for

1:22:59 example the fact that all this technology has been found is because we’re in touch with subtler energies are

1:23:07 given to us yeah like the AI think and all the stuff which is coming right now that’s a lot of things right now all the

1:23:13 technology is perverted because it’s all used for controlling us rather than that

1:23:20 we all use this technology to make our lives easier but eventually we won’t you we won’t even need this technology

1:23:27 anymore because we’ll have the Mind capacity to connect like you know we’re

1:23:32 being taught inside the network but it’s all about the the the the

1:23:39 biggest quality that is missing in um people that are in the network is

1:23:46 humility and someone WHO is truly humble is someone WHO has to be very connected

1:23:52 to spirit because then you have nothing to

1:23:59 prove yep and so that’s what I pray for that I’m I’m just following my intuition

1:24:07 and following spirit I do my practice I meditate I pray um I have you know deep

1:24:16 faith and I have a part to play you know and I’m just going to play it whatever it is it’s not what I wanted from the

1:24:22 ego I can tell you that I’d rather not be talking about this subject WHO

1:24:27 thought about this at the beginning did I choose this for myself or that’s a lot of things I question myself on a yeah a

1:24:36 lot of occasions oh wow I let me just wrap my

1:24:43 head around all of this this input it’s so so it’s so fascinating

1:24:49 because I’m I’m really good in like projecting myself into other people or

1:24:55 stories or experiences and it’s I think you have and I think they

1:25:02 know it’s regarding about your not your blood but your type of energy and that’s

1:25:10 I think why you are guarded or shielded from different type of En I don’t hate

1:25:16 anyone I certainly do not hate these people I I’m not doing this for Revenge

1:25:22 I know there’s a lot of people that are you know have attached themselves to this cause and think that this is a war

1:25:28 no I think we want to just get away from war that’s that’s the point exactly that’s the point

1:25:34 because I I Tred in German okay because um okay um

1:25:57 sorry

1:26:24 I I’m so sorry I killed I’m sorry what would they do they

1:26:29 would it’s like Jesus like hang him on the cross and it’s the same thing it’s the same repeating pattern on a

1:26:36 conscious level and that’s the reason why they are not coming out and I I’m one I can feel it there are so many

1:26:43 people WHO would love to like speak up like really get it off their soul and the

1:26:49 chest not only the victims but the the perpetrator and all of them but where

1:26:55 should they go what should they do what kind of advice can we give everybody WHO

1:27:00 is involved like in a in a in an active way what would be the advice for them

1:27:07 like write an email or start praying that’s about Spirit of course yes pray

1:27:13 um yes I know I feel it too I feel that there are a lot of people WHO are stuck in the network but really don’t want to

1:27:19 be there anymore if for no other reason that they’re on the way out and they’re not winning anymore which is why a lot

1:27:27 of people wanted to belong because they were just top of the top once it’s exposed it’s really not fun anymore and

1:27:34 a lot of people never wanted to be killers they never wanted to do this you

1:27:40 know you get pulled in and okay that you don’t have the strength one time to say

1:27:46 no and then you you end up stuck you know so to all these people at the

1:27:52 moment really the only only place they have to go is they have to

1:27:58 surrender to Spirits you know find Christ or a

1:28:04 Yogananda but someone a figure reconnect with yourself or or or the unconditional

1:28:11 love that is the Divine mother in the universe the Divine intelligence that is

1:28:16 running everything without spirituality you know it’s true they have nowhere to go that is true they’re all they’re all

1:28:24 Lonely by the way all of them are lonely because it’s not like they’re friends together it’s all fake they they can’t

1:28:31 be friends they’re not mature they can’t have mature friendships they’re all spying on each other you know so all

1:28:39 they have is the surrender to Spirit and whatever that means you know

1:28:46 I am very intuitive so I did this podcast with um um on uh pdb podcast

1:28:54 recently saw this one it was immediately clear that I had to do it and then I

1:29:01 prepared spiritually I prepared for it because it wasn’t going to I when I was

1:29:06 invited from my ego I would not have said yes but it was yes I have to so it was

1:29:14 clear I had to do it and then it was a matter of preparing spiritually preparing to do it um and then um you

1:29:23 know look what happened you know it’s not only is it going viral but everyone is it’s like his resistance is getting

1:29:34 people to connect with me more um so yes I was supposed to do that

1:29:40 and I did it so I am very intuitive and that intuition is the voice of God it is

1:29:47 the voice of truth that is deep inside that that is the the quietest voice so

1:29:52 yes prayer and medit ation when you’ve done a lot of harm it’s very difficult

1:29:59 to redeem yourself it’s very difficult to to acknowledge first to because

1:30:06 there’s the issue of guilt and shame when you are

1:30:12 abused as a child you’re being shamed you’re taking on shame that does not

1:30:18 belong to you so this shame is imposed because this shame and guilt are imposed it is

1:30:25 unbearable you can’t go through life feeling that you are the shameful being

1:30:31 because in fact you are child of God you are light so the people go to the dark side so as

1:30:39 not to feel that shame that was originally imposed on them and as they go to the dark side they do a lot of

1:30:45 things that would actually require for them to feel shame to heal from it so to

1:30:53 feel shame in the beginning for a perpetrator is not only will they feel the shame of what

1:31:00 they’ve done but they will feel the shame that was imposed on them that doesn’t belong with them and it

1:31:06 may well it’s like I know what you mean the container crashing on your head you

1:31:12 know it’s very heavy so I want to just say to those WHO might be listening that

1:31:18 and you can be sure there are some WHO will listen I don’t know I hope I hope so I

1:31:26 hope so maybe we can help them but it is all about surrender which is very

1:31:32 difficult word for people WHO want the control but it is surrender surrender to

1:31:38 the greater truth if you connect with truth

1:31:44 you are connecting to God it’s when you stay with truth that will go ultimately

1:31:51 to the truth about you it will go to the truth in the world it will bring your

1:31:56 intuition which is the voice of truth you don’t have to believe in God you can just follow truth and then this will

1:32:04 take you there but it is lonely and I just want to say it is lonely that’s why

1:32:10 you need spirit because there is no person in the world I sometimes I work

1:32:15 with perpetrators I do but the at the moment what is happening

1:32:21 is that this C is you know the right is trying to own

1:32:28 this cause and say we’re the ones that are bringing it out so that means these

1:32:33 people on the right they’re saying get those perpetrators and kill them what I mean that’s what I mean yeah exactly

1:32:39 right that’s exactly what we don’t need ex agre that comes from a place of

1:32:44 unhealed trauma where your own anger towards your own people WHO hurt you

1:32:50 when you were little you still want revenge that’s that’s where you’re lacking in understanding and you’re

1:32:56 lacking in maturity and that’s where the perpetrators come from when they lash

1:33:04 out it all you are trained in the network you’re abused and humiliated and

1:33:10 you’re you have to take it take it take it take it and then they give you one outlet to release all of that

1:33:18 frustration and it’s destructive so that’s what happens and that’s if if we want to do that in the

1:33:24 world then we’re just like them so if we want to be different we have to look at ourselves and heal

1:33:33 ourselves nothing more I can add to that that’s exactly the way how I saw it a few years years ago that’s the like if

1:33:41 if God is watching or whatever you want to call it spirit it’s that’s exactly the way it

1:33:46 should be like I think most of the people not only the victims but the the

1:33:51 The Listener or the the everybody at home WHO is like hearing this and then

1:33:56 getting angry you we should kill him they touch our children okay okay yes yes you are right from the from the from

1:34:03 your feeling about right and wrong but your action need to be really like you

1:34:09 need to be very careful about your thoughts and your action because then you’re not the devil wins you know he

1:34:17 wants to get OB people there are people WHO belong in prison of course I’m not

1:34:22 I’m I don’t want to them get get me right I don’t want like we have rules and no but I am saying this because this

1:34:29 comes at me a lot that I am protecting them no it is really um necessary to yes

1:34:37 to to to do what is necessary but not kill yeah

1:34:43 yeah um let me just have a a small sneak peek about my my topics I wrote down and not

1:34:50 not not ask all um we talk about the what do you think can I can I throw in

1:34:57 in some some some names and your perspect uh perspective because I think

1:35:04 you’ve worked with a lot of um victims and I think you have a really good on I

1:35:10 can’t do that I can only speak about the people that abused me I I have heard a lot of names over the years working with

1:35:17 victims but I would never uh reveal those names don’t I I I don’t want names I don’t want that you you say names but

1:35:25 am I right that you have a really good overview and inside view regarding names

1:35:31 of of victims and so on I mean you should have a really work with victims

1:35:36 all day long so so I I hear a lot so why why or how can we set up some kind of

1:35:43 international whatever to bring this whole topic and or are you are you going

1:35:49 this way or you don’t want to go this way because it’s nothing not your path you know what I mean that’s not not my path yeah that’s not my did did you find

1:35:56 someone whose path it is already or do what do we need not yet not yet okay not

1:36:03 yet because lots of people and I talked with with some and said yeah g to have

1:36:08 this interview and wow I have no idea why why she’s CH chosing me and I have the agreement but I don’t know either

1:36:15 you know it’s intuitive thank you thank you very much since the since the interview on pdb podcast I’ve had a lot

1:36:21 of requests okay thank you thank you very much or thanks to your spirit because I had the same feeling when I

1:36:27 watched your eyes and your reaction and it’s it’s like on a deeper and I get this calling to contact

1:36:33 you then I need to talk to you and then normally it it works you know because I’m doing the the right stuff but what

1:36:39 do you think is needed at the moment because I’m not the one like I can my my

1:36:45 special ability is to make the the transition or make the the the translator to some people but I’m not

1:36:50 the one WHO’s doing it because then I would do I’m mean so much stuff uh already but do we need an organization

1:36:58 or do we need someone like an email like write an email or what what do you think what could we do my mission is this my

1:37:04 mission is this is is first of all you know the Revelation part which is

1:37:10 telling my story and telling my story in a way that people can understand that

1:37:16 this is real that is um part one of my mission but the second part of my mission which is what excites me a lot

1:37:23 more is that I’ve developed a healing modality for everyone that is called the

1:37:30 unconditional model and I’ve been teaching that for years already I already traveled around the world to

1:37:35 teach it to therapists but it really is for everyone and it

1:37:41 is based on my unique experiences of course with power and then power

1:37:47 dynamics and it says the basic the basis is that we all

1:37:53 are caught in this toxic power Paradigm how do we get out because how do we

1:38:01 participate without realizing in this toxic power Paradigm because we’re all

1:38:06 this is not a thing that exists separate from us it’s existing also because of us

1:38:14 so how do we participate so one way that we participate that I say is that it’s a

1:38:20 toxic power structure that at the people at the top are the ones that are evading

1:38:28 healing and that are putting their trauma onto everyone below where the people um at the bottom

1:38:36 we are going to be the most the the most the least privileged let’s say the ones

1:38:41 disenfranchised are going to have the children are going to suffer the most in

1:38:47 this Paradigm and privilege in this sense is a a an invitation a tool for to

1:38:55 keep the Division standing because it invites you you get a privilege you don’t do anything for it you have the

1:39:01 privilege and it invites you to think that you deserve something when you

1:39:06 don’t to think that you’re better to not look deeper in yourself and to uh

1:39:13 uncover um your truth and your pain and your trauma and

1:39:20 basically when we look up to people and we give our power

1:39:25 away um we can look up to people that are more powerful and richer than us and

1:39:30 think that they are better than us somehow which is what the power Paradigm suggests but we could also look up to

1:39:38 teachers or we can look up to this person and that person that may not follow the Paradigm but we’re doing it

1:39:45 anyway we’re giving our power away here we’re thinking this person is great and then on the other side so this is when

1:39:52 we project power up Ward and we give our power away and we think we we are taking

1:39:58 this person we we are making them into an authority figure which is really saying that it is

1:40:06 a representative we’re putting oursel in the role of the child and we’re making

1:40:12 somebody that that authority figure is really a representative of our own childhood and it’s something that’s not

1:40:17 resolved with that authority figure from childhood when we put ourselves in the role of a child as an adult

1:40:24 results and then when we know that we can go to that projection and then I

1:40:30 have developed these exercises to go and look at that what that really means and how we can heal from that and then on

1:40:36 the other end we look down on certain people like when the moment we have a

1:40:42 value judgment over someone like you’re saying you know there’s no need to kill

1:40:47 people because then we’re taking part in the same cycle so I’m saying okay well

1:40:52 when you feel the desire to kill someone you’re projecting down or when you

1:40:58 say you’re projecting down on them and this can be you know you could be projecting down on the elites or you can

1:41:06 project down on the poor you know whatever it is you projecting down somehow and that projection is a value

1:41:12 judgment where you give yourself the power and you place yourself in the role of the authority and you know so this

1:41:20 again is another entry into your own unresolved trauma negative projection

1:41:26 positive projection doesn’t matter it’s all power dynamics so it really is um a

1:41:32 model that works to um create extreme awareness of all the different power

1:41:39 dynamics and how it relates to our own personal trauma and so we can heal our trauma in the context of changing the

1:41:48 world wow where can we where are you giving this are you giving the lectures or you’re is there a webinar or is it a

1:41:56 private session or how how can people yes I’ve had several online courses for that I’m going to be coming to Holland

1:42:02 in February to do a two-day workshop on this um you come toar as well you want

1:42:09 to come to Oscar as well well it’s not part of the plan for now but maybe we we can talk about that

1:42:16 for the future but um I am starting so I have been doing these um indepth courses

1:42:23 uh with um my business partner Christina Merkley um where we there are 10 we

1:42:29 courses so that you really can get an indepth view of what this is because

1:42:34 it’s so unusual you know I am the leader but I don’t need to be in that position

1:42:39 of the leader which is the first thing you know that it takes a while before people understand that I don’t need that

1:42:46 and then things shift and a lot of people are people maybe like you WHO have followed integrity and then have

1:42:54 paid the price for it you know and end up like oh what happened now I’ve been pushed out there and there because I

1:43:00 have integrity and so a lot of people end up in my course that are that have H

1:43:06 held on to their truth and integrity and then this makes sense that the model

1:43:12 makes sense of it all of course there’s the background of the satanic um Network

1:43:19 which is at the head of the toxic power structure but there is the whole uh way

1:43:24 in which you know we have maybe tried to fight tried to become aware of it so

1:43:31 this creates not only the community but also practical ways of how to uh move

1:43:37 forward and I have done three online courses on a beginner level and we’re

1:43:43 about to uh publish a kit um that is the basically the the basic course um and

1:43:53 starting in February also um a second level course mostly for providers you

1:43:58 know to go deeper into this um into this into the model and then of course I’ll

1:44:03 be I’ve been so busy I haven’t you know published The Book of the unconditional model but that is in the works and as

1:44:10 you can hear that excites me you know that that I find uh that is what I love to

1:44:16 do you’re sparkling when you’re when you’re talking about it that’s a really nice that’s a really nice

1:44:24 uh an few an the time is is sticking you said

1:44:29 you have have another another meeting in a in a few few minutes I I should really go yeah um let me just try to I hope you

1:44:37 understand it in in German cuz I need to go de deeper with this one

1:44:52 um

1:45:05 [Music]

1:45:21 for for

1:46:21 whatever Spirit connect

1:46:52 Badness

1:47:17 V we we we we are leaving a time where

1:47:23 exploitation and manipulation and lies and love is the antidote

1:47:30 where um it is connecting to truth it is connecting to our true selves and it is

1:47:38 the only thing that makes a difference in anything and and you see it working in your own

1:47:45 life when you choose it you see the results in your own life in the small ways in the big ways and it is the

1:47:54 attractive force in the universe so we have a duty to align

1:48:01 ourselves with love and what it means and what what love on the highest level

1:48:07 of course you know the satanists would like you to believe that romantic love is the highest love that is complete

1:48:14 brainwashing the spiritual divine unconditional love that is what we all

1:48:20 need to connect with and that is the only thing that heals and there is

1:48:25 plenty of it and it’s often a matter of allowing it in just opening your heart

1:48:31 to allow the love in because you you will feel the when you open your heart and you let the love in you will

1:48:37 immediately also feel the pain thank you and that is what is

1:48:44 needed now that is where we that’s where we have to go thank you thank you very

1:48:50 much well all the best from Vienna and thank you very much and thanks to the

1:48:55 the listeners and everybody WHO is seeing this thanks for your support thanks for your prayers and I’m not sure

1:49:03 if if you the listeners know but all your thoughts and all your emotions

1:49:08 which you are projecting they have an have an they have an effect so keep everybody in in your heart and

1:49:16 and sense sent sent a positive energy across across the globe and if you want

1:49:21 to hear more about different topics like And subscribe this Channel and I hope to connect with you

1:49:27 in the near future and like all the best from Vienna and thank thank you very much

1:49:49 [Music]

1:49:56 WHO knows

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