Infraschall – von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) als Umweltproblem anerkannt

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation nahm 1999 die besondere Bedeutung des Infraschalls (low frequency noise) als ein Umweltproblem zur Kenntnis. Ihre Veröffentlichung “Community Noise” (Berglund et al., 2000) führt eine Reihe von Wirkungen auf, darunter die folgenden:

  • “It should be noted that low frequency noise… can disturb rest and sleep even at low sound levels.
  • For noise with a large proportion of low frequency sounds a still lower guideline (than 30dBA) is recommended.
  • When prominent low frequency components are present, noise measures based on A‐weighting are inappropriate.
  • Since A‐weighting underestimates the sound pressure level of noise with low frequency components, a better assessment of health effects would be to use C‐weighting.
  • It should be noted that a large proportion of low frequency components in a noise may increase considerably the adverse effects on health.”

WHO also states: “The evidence on low frequency noise is sufficiently strong to warrant immediate concern.”

Guidelines for Community Noise:,



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